Vincent de Groot: "Onze dienstverlening is volledig gericht op de internationale werknemer. Door de uitgebreide ervaring met en de specifieke kennis over onder meer de fiscale omstandigheden van zeevarenden, personen werkzaam in de offshore-industrie en bij baggerbedrijven, maar ook voor andere internationaal mobiele werknemers, weet u zeker dat uw fiscale zaken in vertrouwde en deskundige handen zijn.

Bent u buiten Nederland werkzaam? Zit u met vragen over belastingen en sociale premies? Niet alleen voor het verzorgen van uw Nederlandse aangifte inkomstenbelasting, maar ook bij advisering over werken buiten Nederland of voor een buitenlandse werkgever en wonen buiten Nederland bent u bij ons aan het juiste adres!"

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Gabon joins international efforts to end tax avoidance and evasion

At a ceremony today at the OECD, Gabon signed the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. Gabon is the seventh African country to sign the Convention since it was opened for signature to all countries in June 2011.

With 66 signatories, the Multilateral Convention is the most powerful international instrument available to fight international tax avoidance and evasion. “Already a member of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes since October 2012, Gabon’s commitment today plays an important role for regional co-operation in tax matters and demonstrates effective action towards greater exchange of information”, said Pascal Saint-Amans. “We hope it will act as an encouragement to other African and developing countries to also join this important area of international co-operation in the fight for a fairer and more transparent international tax system”.

The Convention provides for all forms of mutual assistance: exchange on request, spontaneous exchange, tax examinations abroad, simultaneous tax examinations and assistance in tax collection , while protecting taxpayers’ rights. It also provides the option to undertake automatic exchange, requiring an agreement between the Parties interested in adopting this form of assistance.

Internationaal werkzaam, zeevarend? Werkzaam in de bagger- of offshore-industrie? Neem contact op met Robelco Tax Services!